A selection of fine AI Cinema-stills (1)
Featuring The Day The Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Man with the X-Ray eyes, Alphaville, The Blob, Fantastic Voyage and many many more.
Here’s the first part of my selection of fine AI-cinema-explorations, find part two here and part three here.
Yesterday i posted a short piece about the emerging AI-cinema subgenre of image synthesis, a veritable new development in both AI image generation and movie mashups and promised to follow up with a selection from some of the alternative movies dreamt up in Midjourney.
I’ll split this post in two parts because it’s simply too much stuff and all of it is just really nice. Below you can find some of the early AI-cinema stuff i've seen floating around since i first saw GANweaving imagining "a silent era science fiction movie by the great Fritz Lang" on Twitter, following his "vintage home movies by Stephen King".

Next i found the imaginations of AirmindedAI who started posting AI-generated scenes from old 50s scifi-schlocks two weeks ago. If you know me, you know that i have three tons of love for those old b-movies of yore and i've seen pretty much all of these movies and those stills from alternate AI-versions make my head spin.
Here're his threads and some of my favorite pics from all of them.
Flight To Mars, The Day The Earth Stood Still, When Worlds Collide, The Thing From Another World (Thread)

Invasion, USA, Radar Men From The Moon (Thread)

The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, Cat-Women Of The Moon, Invaders From Mars, It Came From Outer Space, The War Of The Worlds (Thread)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Devil Girl From Mars, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Godzilla (Thread)

Conquest Of Space, This Island Earth, The Quatermass Xperiment (Thread)

1984, Earth vs the Flying Saucers, Forbidden Planet, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (Thread)

The Night the World Exploded, 20 Million Miles to Earth, The Mysterians, Attack of the Crab Monsters (Thread)

The Blob, Fiend Without A Face, From The Earth To The Moon, I Married A Monster From Outer Space (Thread)

Plan 9 From Outer Space, Teenagers From Outer Space, Battle Beyond The Sun, Nebo Zovyot (Thread)

The Lost World, Village Of The Damned, The Time Machine, The Last Woman On Earth (Thread)

Atlantis - The Lost Continent, The Beast Of Yucca Flats, Master Of The World, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, Mothra (Thread)

The Day Of The Triffids, La Jetée, Panic In Year Zero! (Thread)

X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes, Ikarie XB-1, The Crawling Hand, The Damned (Thread)

The Earth Dies Screaming, Mothra Vs Godzilla, The Time Travelers, The Last Man On Earth, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (Thread)

Dr Who And The Daleks, Alphaville, Gamera, Planet of the Vampires, City Under the Sea (Thread)

Cyborg 2087, Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD, Thunderbirds Are Go, Fantastic Voyage, Women of the Prehistoric Planet, Queen Of Blood (Thread)

Shortly after these, Johnny Darrell published his image series about a world in which Alejandro Jodorowsky directed Tron and since then, the Midjourney community goes crazy. I tried to keep up and save some of the best of those dizzying motion pictures from a parallel universe.
In the next part you’ll meet real life Akira-movies and movies from all kinds of alternate realities, where Giger designer the puppets in Jim Hensons Labyrinth and Terry Gilliam directed 2001.
Das wird so phätt ey :)