GOOD INTERNET is a free publication about AI, the psychology of Social Media, Memetics, Technology and science, and some music, art and movies. Sometimes it’s just weird stuff. It’s decidedly lighthearted and fun, with some occasionally depth when needed.
GOOD INTERNET combines cool stuff with knowledge and I post only the best links. Sometimes i do write longer takes when necessary, but mostly i don’t. I know your time is valuable and will not bloat this thing.
I write on the web since 2005 and with my former blog, besides winning design awards and being selected as the best blog successively from 2009—2011 in the cutting edge magazine De:Bug, i was responsible for the first nationwide meme in germany Und alle so Yeaahh!!
That meme turned into a nationwide series of flashmobs during the 2009 election, went on national TV — you can see my younger self in this clip at 2:10 —, annoyed back then chancelor Angela Merkel and became a common saying for years. Also, if you ever used the phrase Shut up and take my money, i am responsible for that meme too. I regret nothing.
Today i write mostly about AI and tech, entertainment, art and culture, and the psychology of social media, using my years long experience in memetics to analyze the virality of anger and outrage on the feeds.
Welcome to the GOOD INTERNET.