Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

Always on the lookout for things to (potentially) better understand, how and why others or oneself think (and act) in a certain way with certain preferences.

For me, one big thing in helping understanding others and myself better were Jung's archetypes (despite according to Wikipedia EN: "Critics have accused Jung of metaphysical essentialism. His psychology, particularly his thoughts on spirit, lacked necessary scientific basis, making it mystical and based on foundational truth."). I do not think one has necessarily only one archetype or is stuck with one or more archetypes. But they are quite easy to understand and helped me a lot to more clearly identify reasons, why people act in certain ways and like / dislike certain things - at least and especially for myself.

There are of course many more related personality trait or related theories and ideas which I found also beneficial, but identifying my own main archetype(s) perhaps lead me to understand the most about my corce values and why I prefer certain things (including your blog 🙏).


Wondering, if any other specific things come to your mind, which you found very beneficial for understanding of others and oneself?

Since I read your blog(s) for over a decade now, likely most of them came onto my radar already through your posts (again, many thanks for that 🙏). But am curious, if you have any particular "recommendations" what would be especially worth a look in your view or at least what you found helpful/very interesting in this regard?

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Very helpful in regard to Jung, and way superior in my view, is the book The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann, who was a student of Jung. He describes in detail how you can read the development of the human psyche in various myths beginning with the origin of human development in the Ouroboros, the snake that eats itself, which in Neumanns reading is a symbol for the embryonic state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origins_and_History_of_Consciousness

These days, recommendations are hard. The most simple way is: Find the most interesting people working in a field and follow them on Twitter, then follow who they engage with. And use lists.

This way i came across Joscha Bach, just to figure out he was a guest at 35c3 https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-10030-the_ghost_in_the_machine - he's one of the most interesting AI-researchers out there, maybe a bit too esoteric for my taste, but then again i like to go out there, too.

As for psychology and consciousness, i'm about to read Donald Hoffmans books https://www.google.com/search?&oq=donald+hoffman+case+against+reality and i like the work of Philip Goff about Panpsychism https://twitter.com/Philip_Goff

Another recommendation is: Get a bookmark manager and throw everything in there you can get. Make it a mess and let yourself drown in it. Then learn to swim ;)

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Thanks a lot! Bookmarked your comment :-)

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