Wow 🤯

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Hätte mir gewünscht, die COV-Kulturförderung von 2 Mrd. € wäre auch bei Kuratoren wie René Walter gelandet.

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same. :)

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This is really confusing stuff. How did the AI come up with this? AI art is always based on something. None of Jodorowsky’s actual films look like this.

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I'm not sure on which dataset Midjourney v4 is based on, but lets supposed, like Stable Diffusion, its based on LAION.

As LAION is based on web scraping, its very likely that this look stems from the imagery from Jodorowskys Concept Art for his never materialized movie adaption of Dune which went viral a couple of time on multiple occasions (the documentary, the release of the book). Look at the google search results: [jodorowsky concept art - Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=jodorowsky+concept+art&rlz=1C1JZAP_deDE934DE934&sxsrf=ALiCzsalMTKq-dCxi8jqhDinehC_nMoKJQ:1669787538144&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBw76om9X7AhXjYPEDHYqmDwoQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1536&bih=731&dpr=1.25)

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There's a lot of Holy Mountain in the imagery. I think I see some Metabarons (the graphic novel series he wrote) in there as well. Building off what Rene said, because many of the images from the Dune concept art are line drawings, the AI might extrapolate an idiosyncratic style from that.

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