Sitemap - 2022 - GOOD INTERNET

A happy scifi-podcast new year everyone!

Fractal Gardens

Memes are fields

On the censorship of journalists on Twitter

The Twitter Files and the dilemma of viral control

[links] Dante crossing the river Styx on his way to the city of Dis, trending on Artstation

I'm a dead stochastic parrot, Mr. Jones

A selection of fine AI Cinema-stills (3)

A selection of fine AI Cinema-stills (2)

A selection of fine AI Cinema-stills (1)

AI Cinema gonna be wild

If Jodorowsky directed TRON

[links] Why Consciousness can't be defined

[links] Stop Making Sense

Das Drachengame als Symptom der Psychopathologie des Schwarms

[links] The Existence Forecast

AI-pirates and large language warez

The future is a license for your cybertronic eyeballs

[links] Generative Supermodels eating Icecream

Simulated info-warfare with large language models

Kim Jung Gi R.I.P. (and his AI-model is no substitute)

Trains, rivers and stones

Data Laundering with the devil

[links] Bruce Willis sold his face [updated], Darth Vader sold his voice, and the Time Bandits are back

Walter Benjamin is a robot made from colorful wet paint

Of Mermaids, Editology, and AI

[links] The Follower / Jar Jar Binks explains shell commands with GPT3 / Don't Stop Me Now by an AI

[links] Not a JPG / Logos IRL'd / AI-generated Bond-Villains / Leonor will never die

The Age of Pan - Part 2: The Knowledgeable Ape

The Age of Pan - Part 1: Infinite Rabbit Holes

Stable Diffusion is creative Napalm and I love it

Wishful Mnemonics

Die rechtlichen Fallstricke von AI-Bildgeneratoren / Sozialen Medien als diskursive Umweltverschmutzung

[links] Max Headroom gets a reboot / Lego Moebius Loop / Neuroscience of whistle languages

[links] Once upon A.I. / AlphaFold imagines all the proteins / AI-generates The Kubrick Times

Social Media are drugs / Billionaires on crack

Eine Ethik mimetischer AI-Modelle / Wie das Netz unsere Realität in ein Spiel verwandelt hat

Ein hippokratischer Eid für AI-Entwicklung?

My God It's Full Of Stars

Get ready for digital lucid dreaming

Animal the Cannibal

Artificial Phil Collins sings the Siggraph 2022 papers

Künstliches Bewusstsein / Jonathan Haidt vs Mark Zuckerberg / Wert unbezahlter Moderations-Arbeit / Komplexitäten der Social Media Kritik

Crimes of the Future - Full Trailer

Wie Elon Musk Twitter verbessern könnte

AI dreams of Elon Musk buying Twitter


More incredible Dall-E-stuff

Dall-E murdered the Illustrators

The structural stupidity of Social Media

David Cronenbergs "Crimes of the Future" (Trailer)

1000 Great Metal Vests

r/Place is back

And the winner is *Hust*

Drachenlord muss nicht in Haft

Memetiks: Tourette-Symptome verbreiten sich über Social Media

40.000 AI-generierte Chemiewaffen / Drunk solution to 3-Body-Problem

Deepfake einer Kapitulation der Ukraine

Die toxische Internet-Kunst der skrupellosen Nocheinendraufsetzerei

Epic buys Bandcamp

premeditative shocking pink

Shitpost diplomacy and attention collapse

Death, brainscanned

Daft Punk is playing at my house

It takes 2 million photos to create a simulation of San Francisco

AI-faces are more trustworthy than your face

Stylometry-AIs unmask Q

Marvin Gaye impersonator serenades monkeys to Just Get It On

I'd Rather Be Slowly Consumed By Moss

The Stasi Poetry Club

Slave to the Rythm

Good Tweets

Fucking while flying as a service

Fuck you I wont do what u tell me

These birds do not exist

The Art of Trolling

All Killers No Fillers.